All products and organizations registered in Carbon Footprint Italy report GHG emissions values, or their reduction, attested by independent verification bodies, accredited by Accredia.
Four versions of the Carbon Footprint Italy brand are available, to quantify the GHG emissions of products and organizations, or their reductions following specific mitigation actions.
Each type of carbon footprint (product, organization or Carbon Reduction) provides for a special standard sheet in which the various essential information that characterizes it is summarized.
Carbon Footprint Italy exclusively provides for the use of internationally recognized standards for the quantification of GHG emissions, or their reduction.
The Carbon Credit Register - RCC is the first national platform that allows access to the carbon credit market generated within an accredited third-party verification system. Furthermore, the RCC Registry is based on the adoption of blockchain technology which guarantees transparency, credibility, speed and cost reduction.
Portal-RCCTognana Porcellane S.p.A., as we know it today, was founded in 1946, moving rapidly from the production of majolica to porcelain, using traditional methods of firing, sintering and vitrification. Over time, it became one of Italy's leading manufacturers of high-quality porcelain tableware, and today its brand is an undisputed leader in the market.
Tognana has always focused not only on production efficiency but also on social commitment, also promoting innovations in harmony with sustainability. In line with this commitment, it chose to continue its path with the development of a GHG inventory for the organization, meeting the requirements of ISO 14064-1.
After verification by a third party, the certificate was issued by SGS, allowing Tognana Porcellane S.p.A. to register in Carbon Footprint Italy. Measuring its corporate emissions and obtaining the CFO (Carbon Footprint of Organization) label is a key step toward greater awareness of the company's environmental impact, as well as a valuable opportunity to take concrete action to reduce it.