The Program
Carbon Footprint Italy
Carbon Footprint Italy is the Italian programme dedicated to communicate the results of the quantification of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of products and organisations and their reductions.
The participation in the Carbon Footprint Italy programme is open to all organisations in possession of an accredited third-party verification opinion, concerning the quantification of their GHG emissions. There is also a Carbon Reduction section, specifically dedicated to the reduction of GHG emissions, both in terms of product and organisation, achieved as a result of mitigation measures.
Companies and products registered in the Programme Operator Carbon Footprint Italy can use for the communication of their emission values or reduction of GHG, a specific label developed for each different mode of participation in the programme. In this way it is possible to communicate in a simple, rapid and effective manner the outcome of Carbon Management actions.
The carbon footprint is the indicator of a single, albeit crucial, environmental impact category. Low carbon footprint values must not be communicated as a general claim of low environmental impact.
Organizational structure
CFI Directorate: has the decision-making, managerial and financial responsibility of the entire operating structure.
Secretariat: is responsible for the ordinary functioning of the CFI, both for administrative and operational aspects.
Technical-Scientific Committee: is made up of experts in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and quantification of GHG emissions of organisation and it is the technical-scientific support body for the programme’s rules system.
Representative body of the Parties: is the stakeholders committee, with the role of market representativeness, of direction and control, and the impartiality of the CFI.
How to participate
To participate in the Carbon Footprint Italy (CFI) program, it is necessary to achieve a verification opinion of an independent third party, related to the product or to the organisation itself, according to the standards indicated in the Requirements section.
To participate in the CFI program it is necessary to fill in the registration application, differentiated by the various types of participation required. To fill out the registration application, it is necessary to create an account to the website and then fill in the desired form.
The records represent the emission values referred to a specific time period and therefore are carried out one-off, without providing for periodic surveillance activity. In order to avoid the presence of excessively obsolete information, the records are considered valid and kept on the site for a period of 3 years, except for the Carbon Neutrality registration which is valid for one year, after which they will be automatically removed and the registration will expire.
The CFI labels
For each type of registration, in accordance with the standards described on the dedicated page, there is a specific label. The labels can be used to communicate the GHG emissions, or reduction of emissions, of organizations or products.
The use of the labels is described in a specific "Regulations for the use of the CFI labels", which can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.
There is a label for the Carbon Footprint of product, a label for the Carbon Footprint of organization, two Carbon Reduction labels for the mitigation actions relating to the product and organization, and a Carbon Neutrality label for organizations and products that have achieved net GHG emissions equal to "zero".