The news

Tognana Porcellane S.p.A., as we know it today, was founded in 1946, moving rapidly from the production of majolica to porcelain, using traditional methods of firing, sintering and vitrification. Over time, it became one of Italy's leading manufacturers of high-quality porcelain tableware, and today its brand is an undisputed leader in the market.
Tognana has always focused not only on production efficiency but also on social commitment, also promoting innovations in harmony with sustainability. In line with this commitment, it chose to continue its path with the development of a GHG inventory for the organization, meeting the requirements of ISO 14064-1.

After verification by a third party, the certificate was issued by SGS, allowing Tognana Porcellane S.p.A. to register in Carbon Footprint Italy. Measuring its corporate emissions and obtaining the CFO (Carbon Footprint of Organization) label is a key step toward greater awareness of the company's environmental impact, as well as a valuable opportunity to take concrete action to reduce it.

Sutter Industries S.p.A., a company that has been developing cleaning, care and disinfection products for five generations, has registered 11 products in CFI.

We present one of the 11 registered products: RUBY EASY ECOLABEL ML 750X6, a super concentrated multipurpose detergent for the daily cleaning of furnishings such as glass, mirrors, washable surfaces, etc... The product is part of the Zero-Natural Force line, which envisages the use of raw materials of vegetable origin that guarantee the product's greater biodegradability.
In this context, the company conducted a quantification of the carbon footprint of its products and chose to register them in Carbon Footprint Italy, reaffirming its strong commitment to clear and transparent communication.

On Monday, Novembre the 18th, at COP29 in Baku, Kitech-KNCPC (IPEF manager) Director Sung Duk Kim and Carbon Footprint Italy (CFI) Director Daniele Pernigotti signed the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) between the Korean programme IPEF and Carbon Footprint Italy.

This signature will allow products already registered in one of the two programs to access the other country's program through a simple administrative step, without the need to duplicate verification activities. 
We are very pleased with this milestone, proof of a great collaboration, and we also take this opportunity to emphasize that the Korean company CLO and the Italian company Fimap SpA (already a member of CFI), will be the first to obtain the double recognition.

Tuesday 24th September 2024 saw the third in a series of meetings that Carbon Footprint Italy is organising, in collaboration with the companies registered in the programme.
The event took place at the new headquarters of Zordan, a leading company in the creation of sartorial retail spaces for luxury brands.
For the registered companies that participated, it was an opportunity to reaffirm their willingness to collaborate by undertaking common activities, with the aim of narrating and improving their own carbon management path.
The second part of the day was dedicated to a moment of sharing, with customers and suppliers of Zordan and the participating companies, the European scenario and the various decarbonisation activities of some CFI members.


The collaboration between Carbon Footprint Italy (CFI) and the Korean carbon footprint programme IPEF, managed by KNPC/KITECH, for the achievement of the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) continues.
In July 2024, Daniele Pernigotti, Director of Carbon Footprint Italy, flew to Korea for the signing of the new Memorandum of Understanding, which changes from ‘Basic’ to ‘Advanced’.
The programmes thus commit to work together to adopt common rules for organisations or products applicable to each programme.
This occasion further underlines the strong cohesion between the two programmes and is a new step towards the Mutual Recognition Agreement.

More informations:

Liber S.r.l., a company that has specialised in the cleaning sector for over 25 years, with a selected distribution of professional detergents in both the Italian and international markets, has registered 6 products in CFI.
In this context, the company carried out a CarbonFootprint study and decided to register the product in the Carbon Footprint Italy public register, confirming its strong commitment to transparent communication.

After the great success of the first event in the presence of Carbon Footprint Italy, we decided to continue this series of meetings but making member companies the protagonists.
On this occasion we met on the 10th of april 2023 at Feralpi Siderurgica, a leading steel manufacturing company that has already been a member of CFI for several years.
An opportunity to bring together different companies determined to collaborate to improve together, but also willing to get to know the different realities that like them have decided to take this path. There was no shortage of working groups, exchanges of ideas and plenty of stimuli aimed at a common goal: to collaborate and grow together!

Giannantoni S.r.l.,a well-established company specializing in the production, packaging and marketing of Branded Fresh Carrots for Large-Scale Retailers, has obtained a registration in CFI.
The company joins the journey that Despar has undertaken, in collaboration with its suppliers, to quantify and reduce the climate impact (in terms of CO₂) of branded products.

Carbon Footprint Italy publishes its first OSRs for the Chemical and Furniture Sectors!
Organization Sectorial Rules (OSRs) are documents that provide the rules, requirements and guidelines for developing a CFO for a specific sector of organization. They are a necessary reference to ensure uniformity of methodological approach to studies and to allow comparability between CFO studies related to organizations in the same sector.
OSRs provide support for companies in a specific sector to align with the UN HLEG recommendations by identifying significant GHG categories to include in their annual GHG reporting.

Carbon Footprint Italy (CFI), the Italian program dedicated to communicating results of the quantification of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of products and organizations, has reached an important milestone... 100 product registrations!
We are extremely proud of this achievement, which testifies to the commitment of many companies in communicating their GHG emissions and reductions data through our brand, designed to fit different program participations.
We would like to express our gratitude to all current programme members and to all new companies that rely on our program for transparent and reliable reporting.

Carbon Footprint Italy's first in-person event, "Let's Value the CFI Brand," was held on Monday, November 27 2023, and was a great success, bringing together several companies determined to collaborate and improve together.
Active working groups, buzzing ideas and a common goal: to share, collaborate and create insights for improvement to strengthen the credibility of the CFI brand.
Now it's CFI's turn to bring the collected ideas to life, process them, and put them into practice-we can't wait to show you the results!

For further information:

Felsineo S.p.A. Società Benefit, leading company in the food market, specialized in the production of high quality mortadellas, has obtained CFI registration.
The company has chosen sustainability as its main objective and has become part of the path that Despar has undertaken, in collaboration with its suppliers, to quantify and then reduce climate impact (in terms of CO₂) of branded products.
In this context, the company carried out a Carbon Footprint study and decided to register the product in the Carbon Footprint Italy public register, confirming its strong commitment to transparent communication. The Carbon Footprint study, which follows the requirements of the ISO 14067 standard, was verified by Bureau Veritas Group in order to comply with the CFI requirements.

The PCR "EVENTS", developed within the framework of Carbon Footprint Italy, has been published on February 14th, 2023.
The document outlines the requirements and guidelines to be followed for the assessment of the impact on climate change of events, and the declaration of this performance through a Carbon Footprint of Product.
This PCR encompasses events’ organisation and management, including all the possible kinds of events, independently from the size, location and duration, in accordance with the international reference standard ISO 14067.
We want to thank HERO Südtirol Dolomites for their contribution as PCR Committee, and for the experience of the CFP studies they conducted.

The PCR "GAS METERS", developed within the framework of Carbon Footprint Italy, has been published on November 11th, 2022. 
The document outlines the requirements and guidelines to be followed during the realization of a Carbon Footprint of Product study for all gas meters, or an “instrument designed to measure, register and display the quantity of fuel gas that has passed it”, in accordance with the international reference standard ISO 14067.

The PCR, developed with the technical collaboration of EPDItaly, can be openly used by each CFP or EPD Programme Operator, if the original source of the know-how is mentioned.

We also thank SIT for their contribution as PCR Committee, and for the experience of the CFP studies they conducted.

160 years of experience in the cleaning world have put the Sutter cleaning culture at the service of customers. Together with customised procedures, sustainable innovation is at the centre of the company, focused on the development of high quality, high efficiency products, while respecting people and the environment. 
The commitment to sustainable development is in the Sutter corporate DNA and is translated with concrete initiatives that involve internal and external aspects of the company, from the selection of raw materials to production processes and the protection of people's health and well-being.

In this context, Sutter has performed Carbon Footprint studies for some of their cleaning products, and has later registered them in the Carbon Footprint Italy public registry. This quantification marks an important step in the sustainability path, leading to an increased awareness of their climate impacts.
The Carbon Footprint study, carried out following the requirements of ISO 14067, has later been verified by Bureau Veritas Italia.

You can browse all the products’ information on the following page:

Zordan 1965 | Società Benefit is the reference point for luxury brands in the building of tailor-made retail spaces that are attractive to customers and sustainable for the environment as well as for people. Their mission is to bring together beauty and sustainability. 
Born in 1965, the company has for years now embraced a strategy of sustainability, embarking on the path of fighting climate change through different actions. 
Being one of the supporters of the B Corp in Italia movement in Italy and the first company globally in its sector to obtain the certification back in 2016, Zordan has decided to continue its journey with the development of a GHG inventory of organization, following the requirements of ISO 14064-1.

Following a third-party verification, the certificate has been issued by Bureau Veritas Italia, allowing the registration of Zordan in Carbon Footprint Italy. 
The quantification of corporate emissions, and the consequent acquisition of the CFO (Carbon Footprint of Organization) label, marks an important step towards the awareness of the company impact and an opportunity to take action to reduce it.

Brumana Srl is a company that, with more than 20 years of experience, supports manufacturing companies in saving time and resources by managing freight shipments. Through innovative methods, they enable their customers to focus on their core business by delegating everything related to shipping to Brumana. 
In addition to providing innovative solutions for the logistics management, Brumana is committed to ensuring that transportation takes place with the utmost respect for the environment. Thanks to the development of a calculation tool, they can support customers who want to gain insight into the GHG impact of their emissions by calculating the Carbon Footprint of the service delivered. 

The present Carbon Footprint study was registered on CFI on the 29th of September and has been carried out for Soprema Srl following the requirements of ISO 14067. The study was later verified by Bureau Veritas.

Just a few weeks ago, a new member joined the Carbon Footprint International Alliance, also known as CFIA. 

Namely, on September 2nd, 2022, Thailand’s national programme, the Thai Carbon Labelling scheme, signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), officially becoming part of CFIA.
This membership represents an important step forward and the further enlargement of an international group whose goal is to ensure effective quantification and reporting of Carbon Footprints. 

The Thai ProgrammeOperator joins the four programmes that, in the context of last year’s COP26 in Glasgow, agreed to strengthen their collaboration toward the international recognition of Carbon Footprint labels. 

Also, at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, the now five programmes will come together at the “CFIA: The Alliance for more consistent carbon footprints” event, which will take place on Saturday, November 12th, at 10:30 a.m. (local time).

The meeting will be a time to talk about the international experience of CO2 programme operators and the challenge of global cooperation in developing global greenhouse gas emission registries.

ICRO è un’azienda di riferimento per la produzione e la fornitura di vernici e sistemi di verniciatura, che si rivolge a professionisti e grandi industrie operanti nel settore del legno, metallo e plastica. L’azienda porta avanti quotidianamente il suo impegno verso la sostenibilità, cercando di affrontare attivamente la sfida contro il cambiamento climatico.
In questo contesto, ha deciso di attuare azioni serie per prendere coscienza dell’impatto ambientale dei propri prodotti. ICRO ha quindi quantificato la Carbon Footprint di uno dei suoi prodotti che ha poi deciso di registrare al marchio Carbon Footprint Italy di prodotto.
Lo studio CarbonFootprint, condotto seguendo i requisiti della norma ISO 14067, è stato successivamente verificato da Certiquality.

We remind you of the opening of the public consultation for the PCR “Gas Meters,” developed within the framework of the Italian Program Operator Carbon Footprint Italy.
For a few more days, until Tuesday, October 11th, it will in fact be possible to provide comments and proposals for improvement to the draft document by filling in the appropriate template available on the web page. The template shall then be emailed to the PCR Moderator or the CFI Secretariat (
The PCR (Product Category Rules) outlines the requirements and guidelines to be followed when making a Carbon Footprint of gas meters as defined by the PCR, in accordance with the international reference standard ISO 14067.
A draft of the document can be downloaded at this link:

Do you need additional information about the Carbon Footprint Italy program? Contact us!