The Product Category Rules (PCR) are documents that provide rules, requirements and guidelines in order to develop a CFP for a specific product category. They are necessary to ensure uniformity of a methodological approach to the performed studies and to allow comparability between CFP studies related to products of the same category.
PCRs must be developed in accordance with ISO/TS 14027: 2017 and be recognized within the CFI Programme Operator, with the support of the Scientific Technical Committee (CTS).
The CFI Programme Operator retains the copyright of the PCRs developed in order to ensure the possibility to publish, update and disseminate PCRs to all organizations interested in developing and registering a CFP.
The procedure for the PCR development process, the template for the comments and the template for the drafting of PCRs can be downloaded in the dedicated section of the website.
CPC code: 499
Applicability: Globale
PCR moderator: Marta Mancin
Email PCR moderator:
Starting PCR development process:
July 3, 2024
Expected date for public consultation:
Feb. 10, 2025
Deadline for receiving comments:
March 11, 2025
CPC code: 633, 634
Applicability: Globale
Review: 1.00
Deadline data:
Aug. 22, 2029
CPC code: 37115
Applicability: Globale
Review: 1.00
Deadline data:
May 11, 2028
CPC code: 962
Applicability: Globale
Review: 1.0
Deadline data:
Feb. 13, 2028
CPC code: 48263
Applicability: Globale
Review: 1.00
Deadline data:
Nov. 10, 2027
CPC code: 322, 323, 324, 325, 3262, 3263
Applicability: Globale
Review: 1.0
Deadline data:
Aug. 7, 2027
CPC code: 4491
Applicability: Globale
Review: 1.02
Deadline data:
May 4, 2027
CPC code: 464
Applicability: Globale
Review: 1.00
Deadline data:
Feb. 23, 2027
CPC code: 3511, 3512
Applicability: Globale
Review: 1.00
Deadline data:
Feb. 23, 2027
CPC code: 43931
Applicability: Globale
Review: 1.0
Deadline data:
Feb. 23, 2027
CPC code: 46213
Applicability: Globale
Review: 1.00
Deadline data:
Feb. 23, 2027
CPC code: 43240
Applicability: Globale
Review: 1.0
Deadline data:
Feb. 23, 2027
CPC code: 6511, 6512, 6521, 6522, 6531
Applicability: Globale
Review: 1.00
Deadline data:
Nov. 17, 2026